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“Mistress of Life” By Lina Mowafy:


Lina Mowafy traverses between fauvist and expressionist art aesthetics identified by bold lines and a lively palette; examining themes of urban living, motherhood, and feminist ideals, commentating on Egypt’s social and vernacular culture.

Lina Mowafy’s latest body of work is a direct interpretation of the artist’s life. In her new collection “Mistress of Life”,  the artist set out to create art that evokes liberation, joy, and vulnerability. She seeks to reflect the diversity of her everyday life experiences and emotions. Identified by her bold lines and a vivacious palette, she often creates scenes that are exuberant and multi-dimensional.

تعتبر مجموعةخليلة الحياةللفنانة لينه موافي إنعكاس مباشرلحياتها، فشرعت في إبتكار لوحات تثير أحاسيس التحرر والفرح وأيضاً ضعف المشاعر أحياناً، لتعكس للمتفرج تنوع تجاربها اليومية ومشاعرها المختلفة. من خلال خطوطها الجريئة و ألوانها المفعمة بالحيوية، تخلق لينه مشاهد حية ومتعددة الأبعاد.

Mowafy views abstraction as a spontaneous expression of one’s state of mind; a methodology she continuously experiments within her voluminous and varied body of work.

“Dear God, ⁠
I write to you a lot I know. ⁠
This morning I want to set a clear intention. ⁠
⁠I want to make art that sets me free. And I want it to be really nice. To show all the things I feel. And maybe wanted to feel. I want it to be an expression of my life. The small things, the bigger things, and the overwhelming feelings that sometimes take over me like a possessed woman. Let it be soft and loving. ⁠

Let it be sweet. From a place of knowing that you are with me all day every day. When I am having a dark night let it express my vulnerability, not my pain. Fill it with hope. Joy. Excitement. ⁠

May it be filled with my energy. My love for life. My family. My sweet babies. My friends. The crazy dogs.⁠

I want it to be elevating. Like a sigh of relief, maybe? Restoring. Free. Liberated and liberating. Transparent, unafraid. Alive and pulsing. ⁠

Thank you. I will let you know how it goes. ⁠

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