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Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed El-Haddad is an Egyptian artist born in Alexandria in 1997. He is a software engineer and a visual artist. His artworks are an intersection of landscape and abstraction. He is interested in creating space and distance that feel like familiar worlds around us. In his body of work, he paints a world with plains and free shapes that intersect and overlap to create a sense of visual distance and depth that the audience can identify with. Mohamed has participated in various group exhibitions in Alexandria and Cairo.

USD 152

Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed Elhaddad, 2021, 8/419


Acrylic on Canvas

31.49 x 15.74 x 0.78 Inches 80 x 40 x 2 cm

USD 135

Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed Elhaddad, 2021, 7/419


Acrylic on Canvas

19.68 x 19.68 x 0.78 Inches 50 x 50 x 2 cm

USD 135

Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed Elhaddad, 2021, 6/419


Acrylic on Canvas

19.68 x 19.68 x 1.37 Inches 50 x 50 x 3.5 cm

USD 135

Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed Elhaddad, 2021, 5/419


Acrylic on Panel

19.68 x 19.68 x 1.96 Inches 50 x 50 x 5 cm

USD 135

Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed Elhaddad, 2021, 4/419


Acrylic on Panel

19.68 x 19.68 x 1.96 Inches 50 x 50 x 5 cm

USD 269

Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed Elhaddad, 2021, 3/419


Acrylic on Panel

39.37 x 47.24 x 1.96 Inches 100 x 120 x 5 cm

USD 189

Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed Elhaddad, 2021, 2/419


Acrylic on Canvas

31.49 x 23.62 x 1.37 Inches 80 x 60 x 3.5 cm

USD 189

Mohamed Elhaddad

Mohamed Elhaddad, 2021, 1/419


Acrylic on Canvas

23.62 x 31.49 x 1.37 Inches 60 x 80 x 3.5 cm

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