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Edition 7

Dec 03 - Jan 26

DEC 3RD - JAN 18TH, 2021


Don't miss an exceptional edition of Cairo Art Fair hosted by TAM.Gallery at Abu Rawwash!

With more than 150 artists participating this year, our gallery walls are adorned with over 1500 NEW AND STUNNING contemporary artworks; catering to everyone’s tastes with an incredible range of prices, styles, techniques and concepts.

In its 7th edition, Cairo Art Fair introduces many new artists alongside our roster of Egypt’s favorite artists who are coming in with spectacular new collections created just for Cairo Art Fair! Both prominent and emerging artists are showcasing their work in a synergised setting; breaking the boundaries of format, participation, duration and presentation, and presenting an honest reflection of today’s Egyptian art scene.

What to expect?
Everything! Well-selected pieces of art adorning the walls of our three-storey gallery space. Seasoned art lovers and newcomers alike come to explore, learn and look for opportunities amongst the hundreds of works created just for the Cairo Art Fair. An incredible range of prices, styles, varieties and ideas will surely provide something for everyone. And as always, paying with installments is facilitated with valU Egypt who will have representatives on site for your assistance.

Who to look out for this year?
Everyone is bringing their A-game to this edition of CAF. You will feast your eyes on beautiful new works by our gallery best-sellers like Gamal Meleka, Ayyad Alnimer, Khaled Hafez, Helmi El-Touni, Britt Boutros Ghali, Wael Darwish, Walid Taher, Ahmed Osman, Abdelaal Hassan, Abdel Wahab Abdel Mohsen, Hesham Abdelmoaty, Abdel Fattah El Badry, Mohamed Rabie, Mostafa Nabawy, Mohamed Damarawy, Mahmoud El Dewehy, Tamer Ragab, Mostafa Khedr, Mohamed El Sharkawy, Asmaa bekheet and many more! And joining us for the first time with stunning collections are artists Ahmed Hassanein, Ahmed Abdel Fattah, Asmaa Khoury, Elham Saadalla, Mina Milad, Noha Nagui, Shady Hamed, Tayseer Hamed, and Yasmine Reda among many others.

This year, Cairo art fair is exhibiting a special collection created by a group of refugee artists from the UNHCR Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion ProgramThis collaboration was first launched with a one day workshop with our team and artist Yasser Gaessa to give them more information about how to come about artwork creation, pricing and portfolio management. Artists who attended the workshop are exhibiting one work each in our partners lounge. The collaboration between TAM.Gallery and UNHCR creates a way for refugees to sustain their artistic skills, advance them and participate in the global economy, which allows them to value their host communities and secure their own future, so make sure to check out their beautiful collection on the first floor!

Joining us in our partners lounge this year as well is Samir & Aly Stationary Houses & Co., who offered artists and art-curious visitors with the full range of ClaireFontaine stationary. The ClaireFontaine fine art brand has grown to become synonymous with high quality papers, and the full range was available for artists and art lovers to try for themselves on opening weekend.

and last but not least, Breadfast Coffee made our partners lounge complete with their top notch specialty coffee and bakery, making sure everyone got the quality and full range of flavors they deserve!

CAIRO ART FAIR is free, accessible and open to the public starting Friday 3rd of December at noon and closes on the 31st of January, 2022.

Please sanitize your hands regularly. Face masks must be worn at all times inside the gallery. The artworks will periodically change throughout the duration of the show.


يسر تام جاليري دعوتكم لحضور افتتاح النسخة السابعة من معرض القاهرة للفنون يومي الجمعة ٣ و  السبت ٤ ديسمبر، ٢٠٢٠ من الساعة ١٢ ظهراً و حتى الساعة ١٠ مساءاً بالمقر الرئيسي للجاليري بأبو رواش.

معرض القاهرة للفنون هو أكبر وأكثر المعارض تنوعاً للفن المعاصر. وفي دورته السابعة، سيتم عرض فوق ألف وخمسمائة عمل فني جديد لأكثر من مائة وخمسون فنان مصري؛ مواصلةً لمهمة المعرض في خلق مساحة غير تقليدية للفنانين البارزين والناشئين لعرض أعمالهم سوياً في إطار تآزري من خلال كسر قواعد العرض والمشاركة ومدة العرض المتعارف عليها للمعارض الفنية، حيث أن كل عمل فني يلعب دوراً هاماً في التجربة الشاملة للمعرض.

العديد من الفنانين الجدد سوف يشاركوا في هذة النسخة من CAF لأول مرة و كذلك الفنانين المشاركين سنوياً يأتون بمجموعات جديدة مذهلة تم عملها خصيصًا لمعرض القاهرة الفني!

سيعرض أعمال كل من الفنانين البارزين والناشئين في بيئة متآزرة؛ كسراً لقيود والمشاركة والمدة وطريقة العرض. يهدف معرض القاهرة للفنون لتقديم أكبر عدد من المواهب المصرية ا لمعاصرة لدعمهم و الإحتفاء بهم و ليعكس صورة صادقة عن المشهد الحالي لساحة الفن المعاصر.

هذة هي السنة السابعة على التوالي لمعرض القاهرة للفنون. سيتم الإفتتاح يوم الجمعة، ٣ ديسمبر في  الساعة الثانية عشر ظهراً وسيستمر حتي يوم الاثنين، ٣١ يناير ٢٠٢٢. سيتم عرض مجموعة جديدة من الأعمال الفنية بطريقة دورية خلال فترة المعرض.



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