Check out these 5 easy tips to help you create your own gallery wall with your favorite art collection! |
Inspired by his upbringing in his hometown village in rural Egypt, El Borgy designs characters and utilizes a variety of material including clay, bronze and other raw material from his surrounding environment. The simple life and the warmth of people he grew up around deeply shaped his experiences and thoughts; not to mention his studies of Ancient Egyptian art and history which also formulated the basis of his artwork.
“Come Closer”
Life is full of experiences that build a person’s character. We may pass through a dark phase as if we are plunging into the unknown and we think it is the end. However, after a while we reach a realization and we come out to the certainty of the truth. We agree or disagree on many points of view.
تمتلىء الحياة بالمواقف التي تبني شخصية الإنسان، فقد نمر بمرحلة مظلمة كأنما نغوص في المجهول ونظن أنها النهاية، لكن بعد .حين نصل إلى الإدراك ونخرج إلى اليقين بالحقيقة. نتفق أو نختلف في العديد من وجهات النظر مع الآخرين
I think, while I am at the threshold of turning forty ,that I began to realize things that in the recent and distant past, I was unable to comprehend. I used to complain because of my lack of insight, so therefore I am ready for what is yet to come with an open heart.
أعتقد وأنا على عتبة الأربعين عاماً أننى بدأت أدرك أشياء عجزت في الماضي القريب والبعيد عن استيعابها، كنت أتذمر وأشعر بالسوء كثيرا لقِصَرٍ فى البصر وقصورٍ في البصيرة، لذلك أنا مستعد للقادم بصدر رحب …